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Want to lose weight, gain muscle or feel fit?

2020 has been a crazy year so far! From lock-downs till quarantine and from freedom till 'no idea what's next'.

We have only two more months left till the end of 2020 and this is your chance to finish it the right way.


The 90 day plans starts the 1st of November till the 31st of January. This probably is the most interesting moment of the year considering everybody's goals and plans. We still have about 6 'quiet weeks' till Christmas starts. This is perfect to take that step towards a better version of yourself with more movement, healthier foods and more energy.


During Christmas we make sure we enjoy all the food, drinks and good times with friends and family. Nobody know how this will look like yet as this Covid-19 stuff keeps mixing up all our plans. Therefore the 90 day plan is extra flexible during those weeks. We'll have extra online workouts in case you left Valencia to see family and we'll add more workouts in the gym to work around all the appointment we'll have throughout the days.


With doing a good amount of exercise and more knowledge about nutrition we'll get through the holiday season without any problem and continue our 90 day plan for that last bit till the 31st of January. This is your moment to shine! Where everybody starts their 'new year, new me' stuff, you're already 2 months on your way, you know how to workout, how to eat and how to ENJOY those 30 days more than anybody else!


How does it work?

And what does it cost?

In the first week we'll start with a short interview/intake. I want to know more about you. We'll talk about your goals and how we're going to get there.

With those goals in mind we take some measurements. Think about stuff like your weight and your body fat percentage. This all depends on your specific goals.


From here on starts the fun! You'll be added to our private WhatsApp group in which we can share recipes, ask and learn about sports & nutrition and most important: motivate each other.

Weekly I'll post a more in-depth article about a subject that relates to our goals. This can go from stuff like why we should eat more vegetables up to more detailed stuff about Macro and Micro nutrients. 


The last thing: What does all this cost?!

It's free for members of MAAT. And if you're fast, you can still enjoy the big €30 euro discount. Click the button and sign up!

Get in Touch

Any questions? Send me a message or just come and say hi at the gym!

Calle San Valero 5, Bajo 2

46005, Ruzafa, Valencia


Phone.  +34 648 86 56 34

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